Vespine Blitz
This sky is the Vespines territory.
It is born with pure Hostility.
Vespine Frost
Able to reason, unlike its Blitz brethren.
Cold calculation is more deadly than rage.
Vespine Terrorika
The concept of Hurting incarnated.
Vespine Glimmer
You smell like shiny gold,
this Vespine desires to take it.
Happy Blazer
White Dwarf
It has been brighter and bigger once.
Now it glows only faintly.
Yellow Dwarf
Shining bright and hot through fusion,
it will turn into a Red Giant once depleted.
Red Dwarf
Its eratic behaviour makes it dangerous,
despite having a rather low temperature.
Blue Giant
Shining bright and hot through fusion,
it will turn into a Red Giant once depleted.
Blood Star
The incarnation of agonazing pressure.
Gold Star
A star burns brighest with gold!
It attracts the glittering metal!
Aero Minx
Aero Minx Prim
A construct left behind from long ago.
Detonates when it detects disturbances.
Aero Minx Sekund
It charges at its target when triggered.
Aero Minx Tritz
Very volatile; explodes fast.
Aero Minx Quadrit
Has a very long trigger duration,
but a massive explosion.
Aero Minx Kerfor
Destruction forced in a shape.
Aero Minx Lanz
If it cant have it, no one can.
Lurker in Faith
What lies hidden, in the leftover world?
Lurker in Reason
Fragmentation through observation.
Lurker in Terror
What shape has Terror?